Eve and apple - Audio-Dia-Show
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„Eva und der Apfel “ |
Zunächst stand die Malerei im Mittelpunkt des Wirkens der Künstlerin Christine Dumbsky. Wobei Ihre Gemälde oft als "Erotic Art“ kategorisiert werden, obwohl sich ihre Bilderwelten bei genauerer Betrachtung wohl eher mit dem Thema "Frau“ auseinander setzen. Die Arbeit mit der "lebenden Leinwand“ kam erst einige Jahre später dazu, dennoch eine beinahe zwangsläufige Entwicklung. Die Idee, den Betrachter, Kunstschaffenden und das Modell komplett in den Entstehungsprozess zu integrieren, war imaginär schon seit langem für die Künstlerin eines ihrer gesetzten Ziele. Mit Hilfe der Körpermalerei war es erstmals möglich dies nun konsequent zu realisieren. (Kurt Roehrken - free journalist) |
At first painting was the center of work of the artist Christine Dumbsky. Whereby her paintings are often categorized as “Erotic Art”, although a closer look below the surface of her picture worlds rather reveal a more differentiated topic “the woman”. The work with the “living canvas“ was added some years later, nevertheless an almost inevitable development. The idea to integrate the viewer, the art-creative and the model completely into the developing process was imaginary already for a long time for the artist and one of her set goals. With the help of the bodypainting it could be realized for the first time. First the artist painted herself, in order to identify herself with “skin and hair” with her own work, to become a real part of the art. An order of pig sculptures for a city event gave the first impulse in addition. Later this philosophy became somehow independent and developed furhter to a new direction. The model, which originally served “only” as a living canvas, became part of a synthesis of the arts and was now even completely merged with the painting, which thematically often served as basis. |
Photos: Kurt
Röhrken, Wolf-Dietrich Weissbach
Paintings & programming & music: Christine Dumbsky