Bodypainting Halloween - from Beauty to Zombie
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If you like to hear the sound, switch on your loudspeaker. |
FineART & BodyART by the Artist Christine Dumbsky Artprints – Posters - T-shirts and more – available at: Booking für Special Make-up, Styling, Bodypainting, Requisite, Bühnenbilder, Booking for special make-up, styling, bodypaint, stagepaintings and properties, Christine Dumbsky Bisweilen nutzt die Künstlerin Musiktitel, deren Stimmung oder Texte, sowie auch Gedichte um diese in einem Bildwerk zu verarbeiten. Eine fast zwangsläufige Entwicklung, wie auch Ihre Weiterentwicklung der Malerei in Verbindung mit BodyART, Fotografie bis zu bewegten Bildern untermalt mit Musikstücken, die sie eigens dafür entwickelt. Sometimes the artist uses a song, it’s mood, it’s lyrics or poems to process them in a picture. An almost inevitable development. As also her development of painting in conjunction with bodyart, photography to moving pictures accompanied with music, specially written for this purpose. Multimedia – covering all the senses – an interaction of practices which are also mutually inspiring. Originally as a result of her previous work for a internatial operating publishing company and its diverse and also multimedia tasks. To this concept her instrumental musical work, should be used later as background music as its acoustic creates a certain mood and captures the complexity of the painting on canvas, on skin, the live and photo sequences to make it tangible. The intention was also that all components of the whole unit of this moving picture creations should be created all in all by the artist to ensure that the complete work will remain one unit. In this video all these aspects come together. The the final impulse to the implementation gave the client and it’s company philosophy who selected and engaged the artist for doing a theme kind of “we supply the world – day and night” for his evening event – implemented with bodypainting. Text: Pressebüro Kurt Röhrken Bodypainting, Bodypaint, Bodypaintings, Bodypaints, Bodyart, Körpermalerei, Bodyarts, Körperkunst, Zombie, zombi, helloween, halloween, hässlich, schön, special make up, special-make-up, special make-up, make-up, make up, styling, schminken, schminktipps, schminktips, Musikvideo, musik, musicvideo, music video, woman, frau, women, frauen, mujer, mujeres, mundo, day, night, tag, nacht, dia, noche, Livemalerei, Kunst, Eventgestaltung, Messen, Messe, Event, Events, Veranstaltungen, Veranstaltung, Firmenveranstaltungen, Feste, Feiern, presse, pressekonferenz, presseartikel, promotion, promotionveranstaltung, presseaktionen, presseaktion, werbeaktion, werbeaktionen, Firmenfeiern, Jubiläen, Jubiläum, Werbemassnahmen, Werbefotos, Werbung, Werbefoto, Christine Dumbsky, webparadise |
BodyART, "making of-photos", Music & Animation by Christine Dumbsky
Möchten Sie auch einen Film für Ihre Online-Promotion erstellen lassen? Kontaktieren Sie einfach die Künstlerin
Christine Dumbsky.
If you like to get a movie for your online-promotion like this for your company too, just contact the artist
Christine Dumbsky, phone: +49 (0) 9381 803 883 or Mobile: +49 (0) 171 546 5994
Bodypainting & photos: Christine Dumbsky
additional photos: Kurt Röhrken
Music: Christine Dumbsky
Actress/Model Annika